
Our staff is made up of committed professionals, most of whom have extensive experience in both human and social services. We are fortunate to have our full time staff augmented by scores of volunteer workers who contribute in countless ways, including service on our Board of Directors.

Please feel free to contact the staff members listed below for more information on our programs, or to become involved with WARM. Our phone number is 401.596.9276.

Board of Directors

  • Peter Slom, President
  • Stephanie Nowell, Vice-President

  • Tammie Simao, Treasurer

  • Paula Brouillette, Secretary
  • Alan Martone
  • Michael Bontempo
  • Jerome Ray
  • Terry Smith
  • Matthew Roman

  • Kim Moynihan-Giachello
  • Kevin Owren
  • Nicole Paliotti
  • John Cillino

  • Elizabeth Turner
  • Heather Turcotte
  • Beth Cooke
  • Mary Nasi-Graham

  • Jill Wassmer

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