- Jonnycake of Westerly: Industrial Drive, Westerly, RI. Food pantry, clothing, call 401.377.8069 for further information. No referral necessary, photo ID required. Monday – Friday 10AM – 4PM.
- First Baptist Church: 1059 Main Street (P.O. Box 326), Hope Valley, RI 02832 4015397553. Hopkinton’s residents only. Limited rent, utility and prescription assistance. Monday – Friday opens at 9AM. Mon, Wed, Fri open until 4PM, Tues and Thurs closes at 1PM.
- Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center (PNC): 27 Chase Street, Pawcatuck, CT 06378 860.599.3285. No referral necessary. Proof of residence and verification of household size. Once a month food allotment. Participation in Serve New England available. Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 3:30PM.
- Narragansett Indian Health Center: 4533 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI 02813 401.364.1265. Must be a registered tribal member. Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:40PM.
- Pilgrim Baptist Church: 27 Chase Hill Road, Ashaway, RI 02804 401.377.6077. Given on a first come first serve basis. Tuesday 6PM – 7:30PM only.
- St. Andrew Lutheran Church: 15 East Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813 401.322.0088. If there is a need during the week, please call. Adult and infant clothing available and they will deliver if necessary. Wednesday Evening 4PM – 5PM and Saturday morning 10AM – 11AM.
- St. Mary/St: JAMes Food Pantry. 2075 Matunuck School House Road, Charlestown, RI 401.364.9413. No referral necessary. Soup Kitchen is open on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 5:30PM – 6:30PM. Pantry open Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:15AM – 11:15AM and 6:30 – 7:30PM.
- St. Vincent DePaul Society – Immaculate Conception Church: 111 High Street, Westerly, RI 02891 401.450.9749. No referral necessary. Bags of non-perishable food. Referral to Living Supply Closet. Monday – Friday 10AM – 12PM.
- South County Community Action: 34 Pond Street, Westerly, RI 02891 401.596.7272 ext. 11. RI emergency food assistance progrAM, free non-perishable food given once a month. Last Tuesday of every month 1:30PM – 3:30PM.
- Trinity Lutheran Church: 110 High Street (rte. 216), Ashaway, RI 02804 401.377.4340 (or Mrs. Barton at 401-348-8504. Non-perishable food of your choice available. Tuesday 1PM – 2PM.
- Women Infants and Children (WIC): Call Wood River Health Service to schedule an appointment: 401.539.2461. Supplemental nutrition progrAM for pregnant women and children to age 5 years. Tuesdays 9AM – 5PM.
Non-Food Pantries & Supplies
- Christ Church Living Supply Closet: 7 Elm Street, Westerly, RI 02891 401.596.0197. Agency referral necessary. Some household and personal care items available. Items that cannot be purchased with food stamps. Tuesday 2pm- 4pm and Thursday 10am – noon.
- Attire for Hire: WARM Shelter, 54 Spruce Street, Westerly, RI 02891 (401) 596-9276. No referral necessary. Appropriate free clothing, shoes, for those seeking work, going on interviews. Monday – Friday 9AM – 3:30PM.
- Jonnycake of Westerly: Industrial Drive, Westerly, RI. Food pantry, clothing, call 377-8069 for further information No referral necessary, photo ID required. Monday – Friday 10AM – 4PM.
Social Services
- South County Community Action: 34 Pond Street, Westerly, RI 02891 401.596.7272 ext. 117. Emergency services: information & referral Housing Assistance among other assistant programs.
- Coordinated Entry System: 401.277.4316. Statewide information on available beds in shelters.
- Welcome House of South County: Wakefield 401.782.4770. 17 beds
- South Shore Mental Health: 401.364.7705
Other Providers
- The Christopher Dipaola Memorial Foundation: Providing portable AM/FM radios to children and families,
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