Volunteering. What’s in it for you?
Adults and children who volunteer learn from each other while experiencing new activities. New friendships can form and interests may be awakened that can stay with a person for a lifetime. Volunteering is also a way to demonstrate shared values and beliefs while making a positive impact on our world.
Helping young people find ways to volunteer is an important addition to their education. The earlier children learn to be thoughtful and caring people, the earlier they will become empathetic, and the earlier they will learn that they too can make a difference in someone’s life.
Volunteers … WARM’s unsung heroes
Every day, WARM serves over 100 people in our community Soup Kitchen. With the generous support of local churches and other groups, we offer nutritious, free meals to the public twice a day. We are always looking for volunteers, both organizations and individuals, to participate in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering at WARM, please contact Jillian Wassmer at 401.596.9276 to talk about opportunities for service.
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